Page 11 - 2023 Annual Report
P. 11

Independent Auditor’s Report

               February 5, 2024

               To the Supervisory Committee of Educational Systems Federal Credit Union:

               We  have  audited,  in  accordance  with  auditing  standards  generally  accepted  in  the
               United  States  of  America  the  statements  of  financial  condition  of  Educational  Systems
               Federal Credit Union  as  of December  31, 2023  and 2022,  and  the  related  statements  of
               comprehensive  income  (loss),  members’  equity,  and  cash  flows  for  the  years  then  ended
               (not  presented  herein);  and  in  our  report  dated  February  5,  2024,  we  expressed  an
               unmodified opinion on those financial statements.

               In  our  opinion,  the  information  set  forth  in  the  accompanying  condensed  financial
               statements is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the financial statements
               from which it has been derived.

               D DeeLLeeoonn  &&  SSttaanngg

               DeLeon & Stang, CPAs and Advisors
               Frederick, Maryland

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