Page 9 - 2023 Annual Report
P. 9

Supervisory Committee’s Report

                                                                 The Committee meets each month to review operational
                                                                 processes, internal controls, and overall safety and soundness.
                                                                 To carry out these responsibilities, the Committee has a full-time
                                                                 Vice President of Internal Audit and Staff Auditor to assist us
                                                                 as we fulfill our mission. Each year, an audit plan is developed
                                                                 to ensure there is a strong level of internal and external audit
                                                                 coverage of the Credit Union’s branches and departments.
                                                                 Overseeing the review of management practices and
                                                                 procedures is an important role and is critical to the
                                                                 safeguarding of member assets. The Committee submits
        Géraldine Duval
                                                                 monthly reports to the Board of Directors for review and
                                                                 consideration regarding the safety and soundness of these
        The primary mission of the Supervisory Committee is to   practices and procedures. Your Supervisory Committee
        conduct internal and external audits designed to determine   is always available to review and research your concerns.
        that: (1) accounting records and reports are prepared    During 2023, the Committee reviewed and addressed member
        promptly and accurately reflect operations and their results;   concerns, and a response was provided to each member. If
        (2) established internal controls are effectively maintained   any concern cannot be resolved with management, please
        and adequately protect the Credit Union, its members, its   contact the Committee at [email protected] or
        management, and its Ambassadors; and (3) each unit of the   at the following address: Supervisory Committee, PO Box 179,
        Credit Union is carrying out their respective plans, policies, and   Greenbelt, MD 20768.
        procedures in accordance with the Federal Credit Union Act.
                                                                 The Committee recognizes the Board of Directors,
        The Supervisory Committee, which consists of four volunteers,   management, and Ambassadors for their hard work throughout
        ensures our financial statements accurately and fairly represent   2023. Through diligence and integrity, your Supervisory
        the financial condition of the Credit Union. For this purpose,   Committee will continue to work for you and your Credit Union,
        a complete annual opinion audit is conducted by an external   ensuring a safe, sound, and strong place to achieve your
        Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm.                  financial goals.

        Our CPA firm, DeLeon & Stang, CPAs and Advisors, recently   It’s a pleasure helping you,
        completed our annual audit in accordance with generally
        accepted auditing standards to verify conformity with generally
        accepted accounting principles. DeLeon & Stang’s partner
        provided a detailed presentation of the audit report to the   Géraldine Duval
        Supervisory Committee and the Board of Directors. This   Chair
        presentation included a review of our financial statements and
        our member account verification. It was noted that our member   Philip J. McGaughey, Jr.
        account verification is conducted each year to verify the   Secretary
        integrity of our account database. Our annual audit confirmed
        that Educational Systems Federal Credit Union is in a strong   Kelvin J. Campbell
        financial position. Evidence of which can be seen by reviewing   Member
        the 2023 financial statements provided within this Annual Report.
                                                                 Karen E. Wassman
        The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) completes a   Member
        periodic examination of our Credit Union. At the conclusion of
        each exam, we are given a detailed report of the findings which
        we thoroughly review and address if necessary.

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